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Mythic Denathrius
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Team 8 has now rounded out a great first tier in the Shadowlands. We managed to improve yet again and plan on continuing that trend! Besides the small blemish the SLG fight itself puts on the instance, we rather enjoyed Castle Nathria progression.

We broke into and finished the tier in the top 200 US bracket. We really gained some steam on Council of Blood and Sludgefist progression, keeping those bosses under 50 and 100 wipes respectively. I'm really proud of our team for continuing on a path to improvement as this is a catalyst for making progression rewarding.

Time for the shoutouts:
@Purrtykitty and @Ralphh for spear-heading planning our cooldowns. Preparation is everything when it comes to not only healing cd's, but how we handle raid wide utility. Purrty put some serious time into combing through SLG and Denathrius logs.

@Abyssal for being a tireless assistant to the group. He does a little of everything...
Mythic Stone Legion Generals
  • 1,523
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While opinions vary on the fight, Mythic Stone Legion Generals is certainly a marathon of an encounter and will likely be remembered. Mythic SLG took Team 8 165 attempts for WR 497 on our 2 night, 8 hour raid schedule. We are excited to move on to Sire Denathrius and really enjoyed our first night of progression on him. We will be shifting gears back to recruiting during farm and we'd love to hear from talented players that are looking for a group that demonstrates camaraderie and efficiency. Hit us up!
Mythic Council of Blood & Mythic Sludgefist
  • 1,640
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Team 8 has been hustling along, knocking out Council of Blood and Mythic Sludgefist in 48 and 99 pulls respectively. Our communication is on the up and we really felt it on these bosses. Big thanks to everyone for showing up prepared. @Purrtykitty handled some extra call-outs on Council and @Abyssal played 21st man on Sludgefist; both of them were integral to our quick success. We are excited to begin work on Stone Legion Generals. Maybe it's not 'the worst boss of all time' after the hotfixes? :)
Mythic Sire Denathrius
  • 3,219
  • 1
What a tier! Sire Denathirus is dead in 80 pulls for US 39 (Hall of Fame). Really proud of the team for us having such incredibly low pull counts compared to so many other guilds. Overall Sire was a pretty cool fight, but it was frankly a little too easy. We really dialed in tonight to finish it off (from narrowly missing a kill 5 days ago). This is our 3rd Hall of Fame to date (and we only missed EP HoF by a single pull). I think we can safely say we're a Hall of Fame guild at this point. Hats off to everyone who has cheered us on and supported us. That energy means the world to us.

Shriekwing 4
Huntsman 13
Hungering Destroyer 27
Sun King 27
Inerva 38
Artificer 13
Council of Blood 30
Sludgefist 73
Stone Legion Generals 139
Sire Denathrius 80

Shadowlands has been a breath of fresh air thus far. The lack of an infinite grind has been a welcome change to the game. Castle Nathria overall was great for a first tier. The gearing in raids is...


Team 9 Team 8

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