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Mythic Sylvanas
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Sylvanas is down!

This tier was certainly one of growth for Team 8 - welcoming some wonderful new team members, saying goodbye to a number of players, introducing a few leadership swaps, and battling the summer/fall travel schedule! We are incredibly proud that we performed through all of this as we still managed to improve our rankings up to US 153 (downing Sylvanas in 151 pulls).

Like many guilds, we felt that the difficulty curve was a bit off throughout the overall tier, but thoroughly enjoyed our time progressing - particularly with fights like Painsmith and Sylvanas.

We could call out almost every single player on the team for stepping up throughout the tier, but we want to give a few specific shoutouts:

- @Purrtykitty for all the time and effort put into strategy and healer cooldowns, we know how many hours you have put in and it is greatly appreciated.

- @Sharkaphor for all the great raid leading this tier, your callouts are always...
Mythic Fatescribe and Kel’Thuzad
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Team 8 continued our strong progression this past week and got 2 more kills!
We got Fatescribe down in 28 pulls!
We got Kel’Thuzad down in 32 pulls!

A few shoutouts for these bosses:
- @Phont for being our 21st man on fatescribe, your call outs were great and your help with the strategy is very appreciated!
- @Goldshireho for helping nail down a non typical strategy with 3 tanks and 3 healers and helping sort out CD usage in the phylactery!
- @Purrtykitty for always putting in extra effort with strategy and organizing all the healer buttons!

We’re excited to get to the banshee queen, the final boss of the tier!
Mythic Painsmith and Guardian
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Team 8 had a really strong week this week getting two progression kills, Painsmith in 75 pulls and Guardian 11!

A few shout outs for theses bosses:
- @Sharkaphor for being 21st man on painsmith, his callouts are always strong and it is a great asset to have someone watching from the outside on a boss like this.
- @Sushi for filling in as tank for a week and our progression on painsmith, it was a great help to help us get the kill.
- @Purrtykitty for all the effort you have been putting into strategy this tier, including both of these bosses, it is very appreciated, you make all our lives easier!
- @Phont @Holoylan for coming in and helping us get the kill on the night after missing most of the prog!

We jumped up 50 ranks after these kills and are excited to start our progression on fatescribe! Looking forward to continuing our progression this tier as we get to the final 3 bosses!
Mythic Sylvanas
  • 3,544
  • 1
What a whirlwind of a tier. It was such a race we just didn't write up any posts for any of the bosses. What do you convey when the fights are so short-lived? At any rate... the tier is officially over! We defeated Sylvanas after 93 pulls. Overall I think we did pretty well. We could have shortened several prog fights with cleaner play for sure though. Despite not meeting Hall of Fame (for week 5, which is unheard of) we learned a lot. There is no improvement without some struggle.

Generally very disappointed in Blizzard's inability to tune Mythic properly these days. We wish they would stop introducing crazy power gains every tier that they don't account for in raid tuning. We historically make up most of our time deficit versus the competition in long-pull boss encounters, which there was maybe two of this tier.

The state of the game isn't great, but despite everything we had a blast this tier. We just wish it would have put up more of a challenge!

Time for some shoutouts...


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