Code of Conduct

In gaming culture—much like society—racism, sexism, and other systemic prejudices are prevalent. Rhetoric reinforcing these systems of oppression has, unfortunately, been normalized within the overall culture. In Nascent we believe strongly in building an inclusive community where we strive to build each other up, not tear each other down. We don’t pretend to be immune to these problems, but we are committed to being part of the solution.

While you are a part of our community, you represent Nascent in everything you do online and in the real world. As such, we expect all community members to adhere to our official Code of Conduct.


Our Discord, website, and in-game guild.
Community Member
Any person participating in our community regardless of guild membership.
Guild Member
Any person with a character that wears the <Nascent> guild tag.
Dobi (GM) and Graziella for Team 9. Sharkaphor, PurrtyKitty, and Abyssal for Team 8.

Prohibited Behavior

Prohibited behaviors are classified as follows:

  1. Physical
    1. No person shall engage in physical contact with any other person unless express consent is given by both parties.
    2. No person shall inflict harm on any other person.
  2. Verbal (written or spoken)
    1. No person shall discriminate based on sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, race/ethnicity, age, religion, or ability.
    2. No person shall extort, whether emotionally, physically, or financially, any other person.
    3. No hate speech.
    4. No bullying.

Insensitive Language

Over time, the use of insensitive language has been increasingly normalized in the gaming community. These words and phrases, although often delivered with humorous intention, are harmful and inappropriate. Examples include, but are not limited to pejorative use of words like “autistic”, “gay”, “retarded”, “trap”, etc.

To help establish healthier, more positive community norms, an educational approach to disciplinary action will initially be taken. A discussion with the community member will occur (involving one or more officers) to explain why such language should no longer be used. If the community member’s use of insensitive language continues, then disciplinary action in accordance with our policy on prohibited behavior will be taken.



In the event a community member violates or is thought to have violated this code of conduct with any prohibited behavior, they should be reported to an officer of Nascent via a Discord, Twitter, or website DM.


An investigation will be performed to acquire as much information as possible. Once finished, a discussion among officers will occur, culminating in a blind vote to decide between three possible outcomes: dismissal of the report, issue of a warning to the accused, or removal of the accused from the community.

If an officer violates the code of conduct, the officer will be demoted pending assessment. If the officer is the GM, the GM will appoint the most senior of the other officers as interim GM.


Disciplinary actions taken in response to code of conduct violations will follow a two strike policy, except in egregious cases, which will result in immediate removal from the community. Egregious violations are those deemed too excessive in either impact or scope for a warning to suffice. If the violation is a first-time occurrence and not egregious, a warning will be issued in accordance with the two strike policy. In the case of a warning or removal from the community, a written notice will be provided to the accused.

If it is suspected that a violation may have broken the law, then the details of the incident will be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency.


All guild members are obligated to disclose to the officers if they are the subject of a criminal lawsuit. If the accusation of the lawsuit falls within the prohibited behaviors outlined in this code of conduct, then the guild member will be removed from the community. This also applies to any community member found to be the subject of a criminal lawsuit.

  • Published
    Jul 3, 2020
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