Search results

  1. Dobi

    Mythic Fyrakk

    The fire dragon is dead after 211 pulls for US 26 / World 91! That puts a bow on Dragonflight, which was honestly a pretty good expansion compared to the last two. This tier was the hardest we've seen since Sepulcher and overall really proud of the team for finishing strong. We haven't had a...
  2. Dobi

    Mythic Jailer

    We broke out of jail in 205 pulls for US 24 / World 114. This fight was the first in quite some time that really tested mental discipline. It’s one of those fights that combines unpleasant mechanics (los, holes) with demanding execution requirements. Couple that with an existential time crunch...
  3. Dobi

    Mythic Rygelon

    We downed this boss in 91 pulls and then @Noodles immediately had a smoke break. Gotta say Star Boy was a pretty fun fight. The hardest part being micro-management of the quasars and subsequently coordination of the soaks. Been a while since there was such a binary mechanics check, but this...
  4. Dobi

    Mythic Lords of Dread

    We downed this in 17 pulls, half of which we spent figuring out we could move after baiting puddles. This is objectively the worst fight in the instance. It's boring. It's annoying. It's overly simple. The change to increase all damage by 100% (instead of AOE spells only) completely trivialized...
  5. Dobi

    Mythic Anduin Wrynn

    We owned this kid in 130 pulls. I'd make a joke about milk like we did on the kill but it's already weird enough so we'll leave it. This fight was interesting. It's one of those fights where you can optimize several things prior to the final phase to make the final phase easy, and that's exactly...
  6. Dobi

    Mythic Halondrus

    We downed this boss in 100 pulls. What an extraordinary boss this was. It was a real test of team work and coordination. In a less organized guild I can see how this boss would be an absolute nightmare. However for us it was pretty damn enjoyable. It's unfortunate Blizzard nerfed it mid-prog...
  7. Dobi

    Mythic 1-6 Sepulcher

    We downed these 6 bosses over the course of our first 4 nights in Mythic (ceremoniously forgot to SS the first boss). This tier definitely started off great with a decent variety of fights that are reasonably tuned (even though some exclaimed Skolex was over-tuned). Kudos to the team for making...
  8. Dobi

    Mythic Sylvanas

    What a whirlwind of a tier. It was such a race we just didn't write up any posts for any of the bosses. What do you convey when the fights are so short-lived? At any rate... the tier is officially over! We defeated Sylvanas after 93 pulls. Overall I think we did pretty well. We could have...
  9. Dobi

    Mythic Soulrender Dormazain

    We downed this in 44 pulls. Honestly it took us a bit longer than I think it should have, but you gotta have a boss that really wakes you up for progression and this was it. We've almost got Nerzhul down and I expect us to be on Painsmith this coming Monday, the first true hard boss this tier...
  10. Dobi

    Mythic Tarragrue / Eye / The Nine

    Well, we forgot to take a screenshot of the Tarragrue cause that boss is a meme. We did remember the other two though. 1, 3, and 2 pulls respectively for Tarragrue, Eye, and The Nine. Honestly not much to say about these bosses as they were pretty easy. Additionally we spent about 22 pulls...