Phew! Azshara was truly a test of everything we had dealt with this tier. We killed her after 430 pulls to finish at US 266, but we got her just in time for the holidays! We had our fair share of internet issues, emergencies, and trying situations, but we persevered and stayed focused. Also, I am proud of everyone on the team for jumping in and out throughout the progression period. It is safe to say that everyone played a major part in honing our strategy and progressing the boss.
In typical end of tier fashion, some shoutouts!
@Dub for his consistent and strong strategy prep and in-raid calls.
@Ralphh for stepping up and nailing down heal CDs throughout the tier.
@Morose for looking for every opportunity to maximize his utility on Azshara and rally the team.
@Abyssalbrew for continuing to drive our tank synergy.