This one is for you, Ron. 150 pulls for US 26 (World 125) with Hall of Fame. I honestly wasn’t sure if we would make it. We killed it in our 3rd good P3 pull. We optimized this fight more than any other fight in the history of this team. All our timings were on point, the burns were ahead at every phase, and our positioning was improving every night. We entered the gate room at an insane 35.5% on N’Zoth, meaning if we played clean we would assuredly get it, and on our last pull of the night we did just that.
Despite all the pressure we never added any extra days or time, and killed it inside our 9 hour per week schedule. I am so impressed with this team. Truly exemplifying that high-end raiding doesn’t have to mean high hours. What an amazing end to this expansion.
There are so many shoutouts I want to give. So many people cheered us on and gave us support.
@Kel for swapping to Sin on our literal last night to increase boss damage, after having done the entire...