Team 9

News for Team 9
Heroic Antorus Cleared
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We're all done in not even 4 hours. I dare say the tuning is a bit underwhelming... except for Coven... they were tuned well. Excellent work team! All our preparation has definitely paid off. Looking forward to seeing how we do in Mythic next week!

We are selling AOTC. Come get your beautiful mount!
Mythic Kil'jaeden
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We finished the tier! Arguably the most grueling tier in recent years (and perhaps ever). He took 343 pulls to finally down. Hell the last 4 bosses of ToS totaled 977 wipes. That is over 2x our total wipe count for all of Nighthold. Despite that we managed to finish over 30 rankings ahead of T19 at US 77!

We ended up 4-tanking KJ because we had beaten the DPS checks using a thrash druid. It is by complete accident we discovered we could 4-tank while meeting all the DPS requirements, which then allowed us to cheese every hail soak with our 2 extra tanks, and having a blood DK to cheese the Illidan intermission. An end of the raid pull with one of our boomkins as guardian net us the strategy.

I see many guilds that raid many more hours than us in the 400-600 wipe range. I think we did very well for ourselves given we only raid 9-hours per week. We extended for 6 weeks...
Mythic Fallen Avatar
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He took 258 pulls. The kill was pretty legit. We phased at 24% and killed him right after second rupturing reality in phase 2. This boss wasn't too bad, but really annoying with how seemingly random everything was. We pulled together and landed ourselves a US 96 kill.

Shoutout to all our raiders that are still with us. We've lost a bunch of people due to burnout or from just plain giving up. Those of us still here are gritting our teeth to get this place done and we've got each other's backs. That's the true test of this instance. One more boss to go.. then we can move on from this nightmare.

We are recruiting a Shadow Priest or Warlock, an Arms Warrior, and a Holy Paladin. Come for KJ... stay for Antorus. Come join a world class guild that only raids 9 hours a week.
Mythic Maiden of Vigilance
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This one took 168 attempts, with many being 1 minute wipes. You either wipe fast or do well it seems. This is potentially the worst designed boss I have ever progressed on. In no way was this kill gratifying other than getting 7/9M for US 109. Nice job team and hopefully Avatar can give us some real kill satisfaction. On that note I am excited and skeptical about Avatar progression. I have a feeling Blizzard is going to do their typical "nerf mythic content for no reason" and the impending 7.3 patch doesn't help comfort us either.

Nevertheless we'll push forward, and hopefully before too long there will be another post here (wish us luck)!

We are looking for a solid tank as well as shadow priest and arms warrior
. Come join us and finish this tier strong with an incredible group of gamers who love pushing the hardest content this game has to offer and with only 9-hours a week. Remember to follow us on Twitter and...


Team 9 Team 8

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