Team 8

News for Team 8
Mythic Ner'zhul/Soulrender Dormazain
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Team 8 is moving along steadily! We made quick work of farm to give us a full night of progression - spending 35 pulls to down Remnant of Ner’Zhul! Big Shoutout to @Abyssal and @Goldshireho for handling all the mass dispels on the fight and the team for coming together to refine the finer points of strategy.

We were able to keep up that momentum right into the following week - An incredibly quick reclear (10/10 H and 4/10 M) on Tuesday left all of Thursday to jump into progress. Soulrender Dormazain fell in 12 pulls! Awesome preparation across the team led to the quick kill. Another big shoutout to @Deva & @Goldshireho for completely rerolling toons (Blood DK and WW Monk) to make this boss significantly easier! Also a big shout out to @Abyssal for being our 21st man and doing call-outs for us!

Onto Painsmith and the first true hard boss this tier! We couldn’t be more excited to continue...
Mythic Tarragrue / Eye / The Nine
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Team 8 has been chugging along steadily, enjoying a progression kill every session since the start of the tier. While Tarragrue is pretty forgettable, the powers you can use are kind of fun. Eye is a solid second boss with simple mechanical/number checks. The Nine was a bit underwhelming (heroic with one more dispel?) but it's a pretty cool theme for an encounter. I do think it could have been further into the instance allowing it to be a bit more formidable. If you're looking for a motivated and chill group to raid with we're recruiting!
Mythic Denathrius
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Team 8 has now rounded out a great first tier in the Shadowlands. We managed to improve yet again and plan on continuing that trend! Besides the small blemish the SLG fight itself puts on the instance, we rather enjoyed Castle Nathria progression.

We broke into and finished the tier in the top 200 US bracket. We really gained some steam on Council of Blood and Sludgefist progression, keeping those bosses under 50 and 100 wipes respectively. I'm really proud of our team for continuing on a path to improvement as this is a catalyst for making progression rewarding.

Time for the shoutouts:
@Purrtykitty and @Ralphh for spear-heading planning our cooldowns. Preparation is everything when it comes to not only healing cd's, but how we handle raid wide utility. Purrty put some serious time into combing through SLG and Denathrius logs.

@Abyssal for being a tireless assistant to the group. He does a little of everything...
Mythic Stone Legion Generals
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While opinions vary on the fight, Mythic Stone Legion Generals is certainly a marathon of an encounter and will likely be remembered. Mythic SLG took Team 8 165 attempts for WR 497 on our 2 night, 8 hour raid schedule. We are excited to move on to Sire Denathrius and really enjoyed our first night of progression on him. We will be shifting gears back to recruiting during farm and we'd love to hear from talented players that are looking for a group that demonstrates camaraderie and efficiency. Hit us up!


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