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Join a top-ranked low hour guild and get more out of your time.
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Mythic Zul
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We got this kill a little later than expected, but are nothing short of proud of our team. Mastering Deathwish is our biggest goal on re-clears, and this fight is cake. Shout-out to debuff managers and our DPS who made rogues for this fight. We're well on our way to closing out this tier. With 2 bosses left to go we're on the lookout for Mages and Warlocks! We are maintaining competitiveness with a bunch of guilds on server while staying true to our 6-hour schedule. We're getting ready to lock on to Mythrax so expect some progress soon. With only 1 night in we've already caught up on missed time so we're excited to see what we get done in the coming weeks.
Mythic G'huun
  • 3,213
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We knew we had the gear this time so we extended and went for it. He took us 181 pulls for US 56. I can't say we didn't make mistakes with our strategy that cost us some extra time, but that's part of learning. What I do really value is how we overcame our mistakes and finished this boss off as the top strict 9-hour raid team in the US. I couldn't ask for a better team that held each other together despite the frustrations this tier had. Tensions certainly got high, but we never tore at each other.

As the 4-year anniversary of Nascent nears I want to briefly reflect on where we came from. I started with 5 old school raiders from our past existence and set out to clear the most difficult content without spending a significant portion of my weekly life to do so. I was also adamant that I never wanted to raid in a toxic environment that so many hardcore guilds foster. We have gone from wiping on Heroic bosses in Highmaul to progressing higher and higher, every single...
Mythic Fetid Devourer
  • 2,237
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It feels good to be spending all of our time in mythic, for the most part getting good reclears, and as a result spending the bulk of our short weekly raiding window in progression. This boss was a mixed bag for us. On the one hand, we have dps that love the opportunity to get something dead within a short window, but on the other the RNG baked into the fight makes it frustrating, and the pathing felt like an unnecessary thing tacked on to extend the time between our pulls. Shoutouts to the folks who really shored up their burst windows to make this a good kill, and to our melee for slogging though a very melee unfriendly fight (and tier if we're being honest).

This kill puts us back at server fourth ahead of some three night teams, and our goal is to catch back up to server third. We're getting our rogue alts online for Zul, and we feel good about our early pulls into that boss so far.
Mythic Mythrax
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We downed this guy in 54 pulls for US 55. It's really just smashing your head until you perfect the first phase and intermission. This fight was definitely a coordination and execution check. We weren't sure if we'd get it tonight, but we pulled it off on the last pull of the night. We've not raided progression outside our 9 hours this tier. Incredibly proud yet again of the team and how much we've come together since the beginning of the expansion!

Our only open position is an exceptional ranged DPS. Come join us and raid less without sacrificing progression!


Team 9 Team 8

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