Mythic Jaina

She took 325 pulls for US 64. I have mixed feelings about this tier honestly. The first 8 bosses were rather underwhelming in difficulty. Felt like a mad dash to a giant Ice Wall. Really would have preferred to have a more gradual ramp in difficulty. Though... to give credit to Blizzard, it's hard to get the balance right.

This encounter was both enjoyable, and incredibly unenjoyable at the same time. I think Blizzard missed the mark on what RNG can do for difficulty in an encounter. Not being able to see Icefalls because of a fog mechanic isn't hard, that's just poor encounter design. Despite the annoying RNG the fight was pretty fun, and the kill was incredibly hype. We pulled out a rank 6 execution on our kill with no unintended deaths. Really clean.

The state of Battle for Azeroth has been pretty contentious. I am of the opinion the out-of-raid content hasn't been this bad since Warlords. I am at least thankful that raiding continues to be rewarding and exciting in WoW. The state of the game has definitely had an impact on the community, creating undeserved stress on players and guilds alike. So many people that genuinely love the game finding themselves full of resentment towards it. I hope Blizzard can turn it all around.

I am super grateful to all our raiders and friends, both in and out of the guild, that have helped support us. We continue to strive to do better and to learn from each and every hardship. This tier was no exception, as we certainly faced some hardship. I am very proud of this team and how we finished given where we started.

As is tradition... let's proceed with some shoutouts!

Shoutout to @Redmezz our MVP of the tier. Your efforts in aligning strategy and stepping up to help lead were invaluable.
Shoutout to @Treefee @Plka for all the hard work in strategy and putting out fires.
Shoutout to @Kohz for helping us find new and capable blood.
Shoutout to @Suhh for playing his shaman alt on Jaina. Appreciate you going above and beyond to be so versatile.
Shoutout to @Klyd for sticking it through on your limited sleep schedule.
Shoutout to @Aimer for your exceptional play and versatility.
Shoutout to @Olivia for putting in so much time and energy into log research.
Shoutout to @Synybun for your continued dedication to yourself and this guild despite your hardships this tier.
Shoutout to @Rocktherock for helping with our P3 Jaina planning and ending the tier so well.
Shoutout to @Orderken for another tier of fully custom weakauras built for our team.
Shoutout to @Lucid for your strong return to the team and hand in Jaina strategy.
Shoutout to all our newest raiders for believing in this team and what we strive for.
Shoutout to all the raiders that we lost this tier. Without you we wouldn't be where we are today.
Shoutout to all the friends in our community who still cheer us on and support us. It means the world.

There are too many people to reasonably shoutout, but the efforts from everyone have been countless across the board, and so were the struggles.

I am excited for the future of this team. We are however looking for a few more eager individuals! If you are a healer, a ranged DPS, or a tank we would love to hear from you! If you want to experience high-end raiding on a light schedule then come talk to us!

Crucible begins in just three weeks... see you all then!


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