Mythic Jailer

We did it, Jailer is dead! Once again the team continues to push to improve. We killed baldy after 257 pulls finishing the tier at US126 - another big improvement from the previous tier.

This raid has been a lot of fun, some of the most challenging and interesting fights we have seen. Although the tier was longer than others, we had a great time playing together and seeing improvement with every boss we saw. The instance tested us in new ways (and some old ones), but we continued our trend of improving and we look forward to seeing even more improvement as we head into dragonflight.

Once again we have our end of tier shoutouts:

  • @Shnaxx and @Deva, our two MVP’s this tier, your consistent performances and contributions to the team have helped us so much. Our team would not have been as successful on the final few bosses without the two of you, and we are all thankful that we have you on our team.
  • @Purrtykitty, we wouldn’t be where we are without you, once again handling all of the healer cds and all the time you put into strats for us. Not everyone sees all the work you do, but we appreciate you and everything you do.
  • @Sharkaphor, our fearless raid leader, once again leading us through all the bosses and still pumping while doing it. Your callouts have once again helped make everyone’s lives easier and kept us calm - even during hectic periods.
  • @Goldshireho, came back and geared your lock in a matter of days and then blasted all tier. You stepped up into the chieftain role and helped us spread out the responsibilities - making it easier on us all this tier and helping to drive strategy optimizations .
  • @Yoofus and @Sordux for keeping blood gang alive and always bringing good vibes.
  • @Port for sticking out the final night of Jailer, and being consistent all tier.
  • @Arthasnokkov, your dedication to dk is amazing, you do so much prep and research for your class and it really showed on Jailer.
  • @Astro for swapping mid tier to priest and being willing to do anything/everything that would help us kill a boss
  • @odbaby - you joined late into jailer progress, but jumped right in - taking over several different spots and contributing thoughts on how to make the boss easier for all

We could shout out so many people for different things on different bosses, but the whole team has been amazing and everyone has improved in different ways.

Now is the time to reflect and see where we can continue our growth as a team. As always, check our recruiting page to see where we have openings!


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