Mythic Gul'dan


Guild Master
Team 9
Old School
Jul 28, 2012
Seattle, WA
136 pulls for him! We were so close to a pre-nerf kill at around pull 100 with a wipe at the 2nd time stop in phase 3. While we don't really appreciate the way Blizzard handled nerfing Elisande and Gul'dan with pretty much zero forewarning... we are very proud of this kill and how far we have come in Nighthold. This placed us US 112 / World 362, which is absolutely amazing for raiding a strict 9 hours per week.

Especially proud of our raid team. We had an absolutely trying tier like many others. We came out rocky in EN, went through many role swaps, and many roster changes. That continued through ToV and ultimately at the start of Nighthold we began to hit our stride. I can't say enough how much I appreciate and enjoy the raid atmosphere we have. Having raided top 20 world in TBC I can definitively say Nascent has the most collaborative, supportive, and resilient atmosphere I've ever witnessed from a guild. We lost some people during Nighthold, sure, but things never got dire and we remained stable the last 4 months when the rest of the raid scene was crumbling.

Huge shoutout to our healing core @Merodas @Nicecrits @Gnomes @Lissidia, which continues to be world-class and stable for over 15 months straight.
Shoutout to our MT @Fandrarick for being the tank we had finally been waiting for.
Shoutout to my Council @Lissidia @Juxi for putting up with my relentless pursuit to better the guild.
Shoutout to my Distinguished raiders for pushing the rest of the raid to do more.
Shoutout to all my raiders for slowly shaping the guild into the efficient machine it is today.
Shoutout to all of our fans and supporters, we really appreciate you.

We plan on releasing an awesome kill video of Gul'dan in a week or two, so stay tuned! We will continue to put out more kill videos and eventually even some content beyond that. We will be doing some Mythic and Heroic sales the next 6 weeks so stay tuned to our sales page for more information.

Lastly we are always looking for exceptional applicants. Check our about page to read more. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter too!


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Guild Master
Team 9
Old School
Jul 28, 2012
Seattle, WA
The kill video:

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